Funny Thing to Say to Her

cute things to say to a girl

Ever had your mind gone blank chatting with a girl online or while you're out on a date with her?

It could be a girl you're meeting for the first time or perhaps even your girlfriend…

There are so many crunch moments where you need to spark some genuine excitement and attraction (and not have the conversation fall flat).

Well, it's time to get that handled once and for all… Get ready to discover 131 ways to:

  • Genuinely compliment a girl

  • Throw out cute lines that get her excited

  • And keep the spark alive in your interactions with girls

cute tinder line

Say goodbye to those dumb cringe-worthy lines and say hello to 131 smooth and cute ways to win the girl's heart.

  • The rules: how to make these lines work

  • 11 best sweet things to say to a girl

  • 9 things to say to a girl you like

  • 7 best compliments for a girl

  • 4 nice things to say to your girlfriend

  • 8 fun and cute lines to start a conversation

  • 7 cute pick up lines for Tinder

  • 5 cute text messages to send

  • 5 fun lines to use at parties to meet girls

  • 6 sweet things to say on a first date

  • 65 things to say during a video chat first date

Important Note: These are all lines that you should use sparingly. Think of them like spice for a delicious dish. You should also be using playful and teasing lines to keep your interactions fun!

The rules: how to make these lines work

Before we dive into the lines… we must cover how to use them.

Some of these lines may seem cheesy. Some of them may seem over the top.

And when said in the wrong context… they ARE cheesy and over the top.

The 3 keys to making these lines work for you are…

  1. Use them when your interaction is already at an emotional high (don't use them to get her attracted).

  2. Use them sparingly and mix them with playful teasing (so she doesn't see you as too easy to impress).

  3. And be prepared to back off and playfully tease her after you say them.

With those rules out of the way… let's dive in!

11 best sweet things to say to a girl

Sweet things to say to a girl

Saying the right thing at the right time is an art form.

Much like learning to meditate or do a proper deadlift — it takes some practice in the real world.

But similar to learning to meditate you can get some great results quickly with some simple tips to follow.

Let's look at 11 sweet things to say to a girl to spike her emotions and spark some attraction.

1 - I remember the minute I first laid eyes on you.

This shows her you genuinely care for her and still think about the moment when you first met her.

2.    You have this way about you that makes everything better.

This will help her feel that her presence around you is the most important thing.

3.    How did I get so lucky to find you?

Showing gratitude is always a winner. This line will boost her ego and show her you don't take her for granted.

4.    I hope your day was as spectacular as you are.

A nice line, sure to put a smile on her face.

5.    Things are no fun if you aren't included.

sweet SMS line screenshot

This is a great one to throw out casually when you're doing something fun together. It assures her that the time you spend with her is the highlight of your day.

6.    There are times when you just take my breath away.

7.    There isn't anyone else I would rather be with.

This sweet line lets her know that you are making her your number one priority... putting her above everyone else.

8.    All I want to do is be the best man in the world for you.

sweet and cute SMS line screenshot

This lets her know that you are committed to being a better man for her.

9.    There is no one else in the world who gets me as uniquely and wonderfully as you do.

best sweet SMS line screenshot

Every girl wants to feel secure in their relationship and this lets her know that she holds a very special place in your heart.

10. Your small imperfections make you perfect.

adorable SMS line screenshot

No one's perfect right? Telling her that you love her imperfections will only make her more comfortable and more relaxed around you.

11. You complete me in a unique and wonderful way.

This line acknowledges the way her presence in your life has impacted you. It also lets her know that she impacts you in a way that no one else does.

9 things to say to a girl you like

Have you ever struggled with finding the right words to say to a girl you like?

The worst part is that the more you like the girl the harder it can be to come up with something to say.

It's easy to get stuck in your head and overthink things.

That's why it's a great idea to have some lines in your back pocket to spike her emotions and get the conversation flowing.

1.    When I need someone, I turn to you every time

This line lets her know how much she means to you. It'll make her feel safe and comfortable knowing that you depend on her in times of need.

2.    Thank you for all you do.

thank you SMS line screenshot

Gratitude will never let you down. Telling someone that you're genuinely grateful is a fantastic way to build your connection and demonstrate how much respect you have for her.

3.    You just make me feel good.

best cutest SMS line screenshot

This might sound simple or vague but it's all in the delivery. If you say this and mean it she is likely to appreciate your forwardness and openness.

4.    You are a great source of inspiration.

Telling someone that you are inspired by them makes them feel appreciated and grateful. We all like to think we inspire others and letting her know she does is a great way to build rapport.

5.    You brighten up my day.

brighten day SMS line screenshot

This lets her know she is the highlight of your day.

6.    You're so pretty I forgot what I was going to say.

This is likely to make her blush and go red. It's a great line to throw out and move on before she thinks about what you said.

7.    I could walk forever and a mile with you.

This line is indirectly telling her you are willing to go beyond limits to be with her.

8.    Since you've been around, I smile a lot more than I used to.

I smile more SMS line screenshot

This is a genuine cute line to casually drop when you realize a girl makes you happy to be around.

9. You're like a dream that has become reality.

Again this one might sound a bit corny but it's all in the delivery. It needs to be tempered with some playful teasing. But she's sure to love it if you genuinely mean it.

7 best compliments for a girl

Compliments are not easy to give. Most guys struggle to express the way they feel towards a girl beyond...

  • You're hot

  • I like your smile

  • And… nice ass

Most men hesitate and hold themselves back from saying more meaningful things because they think it's corny or they are afraid of rejection.

However, girls love when guys have the confidence to give her a  straightforward (and meaningful) compliment.

Let's have a look at some of the best compliments to say to a girl.

You can use these cute compliments with your girlfriend or any other girl you're romantically interested in:

1.    I always learn so much from you.

Attractive girls can become skeptical of compliments on their looks. This line shows the girl that you value her for more than what you see.

2.    You've got such nice eyes/lips/teeth/hair

When you do want to compliment a girl's looks — specificity is key. Point out the features that you find attractive and let her know. It's even better if this is a feature that she isn't commonly complimented on.

3.    You're hilarious!

This is a perfect compliment to give to a girl when you're both joking around and being playful together.

4.    You're not like everyone else, are you?

new sweet SMS line screenshot

Everyone likes to feel like they're a unique snowflake and girls are no different. The truth is we all are different and recognizing this in a girl is sure to build your connection.

5.    You're sexy.

sweet and sexy SMS line screenshot

Sometimes simple is best.

This line is straightforward and bold so it should only be used when the mood is right.

It's best delivered confidently and assertively.

By the way, check out my list of sexy Tinder pick up lines here if you like being direct.

6.    You're good at what you do.

This is a great compliment to give after a girl does something impressive — like crack a funny joke, make a great meal, or nail a difficult car park.

7.    You look great today.

This compliment at the start of the day can make the whole day better for your girl. Again… make sure you say it and MEAN IT.

If you aren't a big fan of what she's wearing she will sense your lack of conviction.

4 nice things to say to your girlfriend

Every human craves praise at some level. This is why it's so crucial to never take your girlfriend for granted.

There's a saying "if you do what you did at the start of the relationship, at the end of the relationship, there wouldn't be an end to the relationship".

This means you need to keep doing the little things such as…

  • Giving her compliments

  • Saying nice things that make her smile

  • And appreciating her strengths and values

Here are 6 nice things you can say to your girlfriend:

1.    I love your sense of humor and it adds life to everyone around you.

a sense of humor SMS line screenshot

If your girlfriend has a good sense of humor then you'll want to remind her that you appreciate that about her. This line is a great way to let her know that the people around her love and appreciate her humor.

2.    I appreciate the way you care for people and value your friends.

best compliment SMS line screenshot

This is important as it shows that you are inspired by your girlfriend's way of treating people. Girls are social creatures and this compliment should work a treat.

3.    I know I don't understand love completely, but when I look at you, I feel how beautiful it is.

understand love SMS line screenshot

Sometimes words cannot explain the kind of warm feelings you have for your girlfriend. If your girlfriend is artistic by nature this line is likely to stir some excitement in her.

4.    I feel such amazing chemistry when I'm with you.

amazing chemistry SMS line screenshot

Girls love when a man can speak with his heart (not just his head). This line shows your girlfriend that you're above the usual superficial stuff that most guys talk about.

8 fun and cute lines to start a conversation

Lines to Start a Conversation with a Girl

Starting a conversation with a girl that you've just met is one of the hardest things to do for most guys. This is because…

  • They overthink it

  • They let their emotions get the better of them

  • And they take the whole thing too seriously

Instead… your best bet is to turn it into a game and focus on genuinely getting to know her.

Here is a list of eight great conversation starters you can say to a girl to get the conversation flowing…

(Note: these aren't your opening line — these are what comes after that).

1.    What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard?

This line is fun and playful. It also separates you from the guys that use corny pickup lines.

2.    If you could do anything illegal without getting caught, what would you do?

This line is a great way to get her imagination flowing. You can also tease her answer if she says something funny.

3.    If there's one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?

This question opens the gate to get to know something deeper about her. Assuming she's willing to answer… her response to this will end up bringing you both closer than before.

4.    What is the biggest risk you've ever taken?

We've all taken risks in our lives that we're proud of. Asking a girl this question may open up a great conversation about something she achieved or attempted.

5.    What's your most bizarre deal breaker?

deal-breaker SMS line screenshot

All of us have deal-breakers. Some of us have a few and some have a lot. Asking a girl this conversation starter is a great way to get a sense of her values.

6.    Who do you think knows you the best and why?

This will give you an idea about the quality of her relationships with both family and friends.

7. Tell me something about you I would never believe

I like this one because it's not phrased like a question.

And it always leads to fun conversation topics.

8.    What's the nicest thing someone could genuinely say about you?

nicest thing SMS line screenshot

This will help you understand what she is proud of about herself. Everyone loves a chance to shamelessly brag about themselves and this question gives her the liberty to brag as much as she likes.

7 cute pick up lines for Tinder

Women get a lot of matches on tinder. If your pickup line is not up to the mark... chances are you won't get a reply. Here are 8 Tinder pick-up lines that you can steal and use today:

1.    Are we like... married now? Shotgun the left side of the bed!

Are we married Tinder pickup Line screenshot

This is a twist on an old line. The reason it still works is that the word marriage is exciting and the line is just you trying to be playful.

2.    I'm new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?

New in town Tinder Pickup Line screenshot

This is clever and delivers a nice little comedic plot twist. It will put a smile on her face.

3. You're so Cute! Wait, you live in [town name]…

You're probably thinking this simple tinder opener is too… simple. Right?

The reality is simple usually works the best.

In fact, in this entire list of opening messages to use on Tinder, this is my favorite go to.

"You're so cute! Wait, you live in Houston?"

The reason this works is because it's so direct, and because it makes her curious.

4.    Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest.

Cheesy but you can follow it up with something clever such as, "I know, cheesy AF... but hey, you do have my interest ;)"

5.    What's a perfect gentleman like me doing without your phone number?

Number close Tinder Pickup Line screenshot

This line is very direct but it's also playful. If a girl is interested in you this line can be a great way to cut to the chase.

6.    Damn, you have a dog! Does that mean I'll never win the "best cuddler" title?

This will win her heart given she is a dog lover. So you, putting her dog first is a great move. It's also quite playful in a romantic sense.

7.    Not much of a bio, you mind if I lightning round you a few questions?

This is a great line for when she doesn't have any information in her Tinder bio. It's playful and it gives you the green light to ask her anything you want to find out.

5 cute text messages to send

Despite all the different social apps out there —texting is still the primary communication channel for most people. This means you need to up your texting game for the girl you like.

Here are 5 text messages you could send to keep her engaged and interested. You can send these to your girlfriend or to a girl that you are dating:

1.     The only thing that could improve a beautiful day like this is having you by my side.

by my side SMS line screenshot

Cheesy? Perhaps. But for a girl that's into you, this is sure to melt her heart and have her eager for your next meet-up.

2.    My life has never been the same since I met you.

This is a great line to acknowledge how important she is to you. As always…. Context is everything. You want to send this after she has done or said something impressive to you.

3.    You make my heart race without doing a thing.

heart race SMS line screenshot

This shows that you love her as she is… in an unconditional way. This is extremely comforting and relaxing for a girl to hear from her partner.

4.    Every time you smile it warms my heart.

every time you smile SMS line screenshot

This line is pretty straightforward and makes her confident in her smile.

5.    You brighten my day with the sound of your voice... so call me asap- I want to hear it.

brighten my day SMS line screenshot

This is a cute text that is great to send if you want to chat with her on the phone.

5 fun lines to use at parties to meet girls

Parties are incredible opportunities to meet new people and flirt with girls you like. Let's have a look at some great lines to say to girls you meet at parties:

1.    What fun plans do you have for the weekend?

weekend plans SMS line screenshot

This line is a very casual way to start a conversation. No one wants to answer with "umm nothing". So she will likely give you a more detailed answer.

2.    How long can you go without checking your phone?

This is a playful question that could spark a great conversation about modern civilization and technology.

3.     If someone offered to tell you about your future, would you be interested?

tell your future SMS line screenshot

This is a fun conversation starter that could lead to a role-play of you pretending to predict her future… "You will meet a handsome (and charming) guy at a party and fall head over heels in love. Etc.

4.    What's the worst thing one can say on a first date?

first date SMS line screenshot

This is a great line that can lead to a fun conversation about nightmare first dates. It could even lead to the 2 of you testing out each other's first date skills and going on a date together.

5.    What drink do you suggest I get?

Sometimes a simple ice breaker is your best bet. This is a very casual opening line that can easily lead to a more in-depth conversation.

6 sweet things to say on a first date

First dates tend to make people very nervous. It is even worse when you have to go through awkward silences.

That's why you should always have some fun and sweet lines up your sleeve to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Here are six first date lines you can use:

1.    What's your favorite place in the entire world?

favorite place SMS line screenshot

Everyone has somewhere that makes them happy. This line is sure to get the conversation going.

2.    What's something I wouldn't guess about you?

wouldn't guess SMS line screenshot

Everyone has things about themselves that they wish the world knew. This line is giving her the perfect excuse to tell you all about it.

3.    What's your favorite stress reliever?

We all experience stress. This is a great line to take the conversation to a deeper place.

4.    What's the first thing you notice about a guy?

first thing SMS line screenshot

This will give you insights into her relationship and dating values.

5.    Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

This may give you an idea about how negative or positive her approach to life is. She may also tell you about any spiritual or scientific beliefs she holds dearly.

6.    How do you spend your mornings?

For most people… mornings are a personal and intimate time of day. Asking about her morning routine is a casual way to take the conversation in a more interesting direction.

65 things to say during a video chat first date

Video chat first dates have become the norm during the pandemic. But most people are still unsure about how to make the conversation flow naturally.

We've got you covered!

Here's a comprehensive list of things you can talk about on a video chat first date. You can choose one or two lines from each category below…

5 things you can say to a girl about her house:

These are great lines for finding out if you have similar values around the way you live.

1.    Do you have any roommates? If so... do you get along?

2.    What does your room look like? Are you a sock-on-the-floor kinda girl?

3.    What object makes your place feel most like home?

4.    If we went to the shops and we could buy anything for your house today... what would it be?

5.    If you could be on Extreme Makeover... what would your house look like?

7 things you can say to a girl about hobbies:

These are great lines for discovering similar interests and hobbies that you may share with the girl.

1.    What do you generally do once you finish work (on an ideal day)?

2.    If you had an extra hour a day... what would you do with it?

3.    Do you still enjoy any hobbies you've had since you were a kid?

4.    Would you enjoy your favorite hobby if you had to do it for a living?

5.    Did your parents ever force you to do a hobby you didn't like?

6.    What's your favorite thing to do in the world?

7.    What's your favorite way to unwind?

6 things you can ask a girl about fitness and sports:

These are great questions if health and fitness are important values of yours.

1.    You seem active. What's your favorite way to keep fit?

2.    Can you run a mile without dying?

3.    What sports did you play as a kid?

4.    What's the last time you broke a sweat?

5.    If you could sit down with any athlete, who would it be?

6.    Do you ever watch sports?

10 things you can say to a girl about fashion:

These are great questions to use if style and fashion are important to you.

1.    Do you prefer to shop online or in-person

2.    What does your wardrobe look like?

3.    If you could describe your style, what would it be?

4.    What color do you like to wear most?

5.    What's the last best piece of clothing you bought?

6.    What celebrity do you think has the best style?

7.    What outfit do you wear if you want to look sexy?

8.    What's your favorite clothing item? Boots, top, panties, pick one.

9.    What's your go-to outfit if you want to feel comfortable?

10. What do you wear at home when you have no company?

8 things you can ask a girl on video chat about music:

Music your thing? Be sure to slip in one or two of these questions in your next video first date.

1.    What's your favorite music genre?

2.    What's your latest music discovery?

3.    Who's the best singer ever... dead or alive?

4.    What song do you currently have on repeat?

5.    What's your favorite album ever?

6.    What's the last concert you've been to?

7.    What are some songs you were crazy about when you were younger?

8.    What are your top 3 favorite songs ever?

10 things you can ask a girl on video chat about movies:

If you're a cinema buff be sure to select 1 or 2 of these questions to ask on your date.

1.    Do you prefer films or series?

2.    What's your favorite movie genre?

3.    What film made the biggest impression on you?

4.    If movie sets were real, what location or universe would you want to visit most?

5.    What actor would you instantly sleep with if he asked you?

6.    If you could pick a movie for us to watch right now, what would you choose?

7.    What film sequel has disappointed you the most?

8.    What's your all-time favorite movie?

9.    What's a popular film that you've never seen... and why haven't you seen it?

10. If you could play any role from any movie... which one would you choose?

9 video chat things to ask a girl about food:

If you're a foodie then you'll definitely want to discover her taste in food. Steal 1 or 2 of these questions to ask on your next video chat date.

1.    What's your favorite food?

2.    Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay… and why?

3.    Cilantro... good or soap?

4.    What home-cooked meal are you most proud of?

5.    If you could perfect one dish, what would it be?

6.    If you were to cook me dinner... what would you make me?

7.    What is your worst restaurant experience?

8.    What's the weirdest food you've ever tried?

9.    If you had to pick one food place that you had to go to every week for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

10 video chat things to ask a girl about books:

Consider yourself an intellectual or book nerd? Great… steal a couple of these questions for your next Zoom date with a girl.

1.    How often do you read books?

2.    Fiction or nonfiction… and why?

3.    What book are you currently reading… and do you rate it?

4.    Paperback or eBook?

5.    If you had to recommend me one book… what one would it be?

6.    Has a book ever changed your life?

7.    What type of book do you REFUSE to read?

8.    If you could meet any author, who would you pick?

9.    What book or series do you hope and pray will be turned into a movie or TV show one day?

10. What's the most popular book you hate?

Next steps

With this comprehensive list, you should never run out of cute and sweet things to say to your girlfriend or any other girl.

If you're looking to increase your match rate to have more girls to say cute things too…

Then check out my video guide below.

I'll show you my real photo editing process that comes from over a decade of being a commercial photographer.

These techniques will boost your images without them coming across as fake or cheesy.

Tinder Photo Editing Trick

More Tinder Conversations Advice:

Marc Falzon

Marc is the founder of Zirby: the Tinder advice blog with millions of readers a year. Uncover your inner confidence and experience a fulfilling dating life. Follow Marc on YouTube or Instagram.


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